Sermon: “Thinking?! – But right!”

"Im Übrigen, ihr Brüder, alles, was wahrhaftig, was ehrbar, was gerecht, was rein, was liebenswert, was wohllautend, was irgendeine Tugend oder etwas Lobenswertes ist, darauf seid bedacht! Was ihr auch gelernt und empfangen und gehört und an mir gesehen habt, das tut; und der Gott des Friedens wird mit euch sein."

Thinking?! - But Right!"

And what the Bible says about it, and its consequences and promises for right thinking.

Those are the questions that I cover in the sermon:

  1. What does the Bible specifically say about the subject of thought?
  2. What is the connection between thought and action?
  3. Which thinking is wrong, and which is right for Christians?
  4. How do we get to the right thinking?
  5. What promise does right thinking have?